Author name: Patricia Ponce

Renegotiation Frictions and Financial Distress Resolution: Evidence from CDS Spreads
Murillo Campello; Tomislav Ladika; Rafael Matta
Review of Finance, Volume 23, Issue 3, May 2019, Pages 513–556,

Financially distressed firms often attempt to renegotiate with creditors outside of bankruptcy court, to forgo the deadweight costs of drawn-out legal battles.… Read more...

Renegotiation Frictions and Financial Distress Resolution: Evidence from CDS Spreads Read More »

We have recently updated our information for authors and referees. For authors, this explains the requirement for EU authors to provide VAT information for their institution (or confirm they are paying the submission fee privately), plus the process and timescale of any refunds (e.g.… Read more...

Important update for authors and referees Read More »

Downside Market Risk of Carry Trades
Victoria Dobrynskaya
Review of Finance, Volume 18, Issue 5, 1 August 2014, Pages 1885–1913,

According to uncovered interest parity, free capital mobility ensures that investments in different currencies with different levels of local interest rates do not consistently generate excess returns because a positive interest rate differential should be compensated by the expected exchange rate depreciation of the target currency.… Read more...

Downside Market Risk of Carry Trades Read More »

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