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Sponsors: The University of Cambridge, the University of Texas at Austin, and the Review of Finance. Programme chairs: Elroy Dimson, Marcin Kacperczyk, and Laura Starks. Venue and date: Cambridge, U.K.: October 9, 2024. Submission Deadline: August 15, 2024


Biodiversity richness and abundance of natural resources are central to economic prosperity and to cultural and genetic heritage.… Read more...

Call for Research Proposals: Special Issue on Biodiversity and Natural Resource Finance: Call for Research Proposals Read More »

The Review of Finance recognizes the challenges authors face with the extensive refereeing process, often involving numerous rounds of revisions that may not significantly alter the paper’s core message. To address this, we are introducing the “First Choice” policy.

Under this policy, authors submitting papers not yet reviewed by any finance journal are offered a streamlined review process.… Read more...

Introducing the new “First Choice” Policy Read More »

Firms do not operate in isolation but interact within product markets. These interactions delineate the boundaries of markets, their dynamics, and the resulting intensity of competition (or the lack of it). A vast research effort over the last forty years unambiguously concludes that product market considerations have first-order effects on firms’ decisions, performance, and valuation.… Read more...

Call for Papers for Review of Finance Special Issue on Finance and Product Markets Read More »

The RF is pleased to announce a number of new Associate Editor appointments beginning in January 2024: Alex Chinco (Baruch), Lin William Cong (Cornell University), Francois Derrien (HEC Paris), Olivier Dessaint (INSEAD), Sean Higgins (Northwestern University), and Jordan Nickerson (University of Washington).… Read more...

New Associate Editors from 2024 Read More »

Happy New Year to all our authors, referees and readers. As we enter 2024, we would like to remind you that we have updated our pricing structure to adapt to rising operational costs – the first such rise since 2017. Despite our efforts to keep prices stable, this modest change is essential to allow us to uphold the journal’s high standards and ensure a smooth process for authors and referees.… Read more...

Reminder: Pricing structure update from 2024 Read More »

The Review of Finance is delighted to announce the appointment of Laurent Fresard (Universita della Svizzera italiana), Jacopo Ponticelli (Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University) and David Solomon (Boston College) as Editors, to start a three-year term commencing in January 2024.… Read more...

New Editors From 2024 Read More »

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